
Upcoming Concerts

With a focus on the winter solstice and new beginnings, Angelica’s December 2024 program features medieval and contemporary Yuletide selections, including songs from the Piae Cantiones and the Llibre Vermell de Montserrat; a 13th-century French conductus “Gedeonis area”; Palestrina’s “Exultate Deo”; and Libby Larsen’s “Natus est Emmanuel.”

Sunday, December 15, 2024 at 3 PM
St. Malachy’s Church
239 W. 49th St., New York, NY
Suggested donation: $20; $10 seniors & students
Tickets sold at the door. We accept cash, checks, Venmo & PayPal.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024 at 12 PM
Grace Church, 33 Church Street, White Plains, NY
An abbreviated version of this concert presented by Downtown Music at Grace.
Free admission

Saturday, December 21, 2024 at 3 PM
Irvington Presbyterian Church, Irvington, NY
Suggested donation: $20; $10 seniors & students
Tickets sold at the door. We accept cash, checks, Venmo & PayPal.


Your health and safety are our biggest priority. We will continue to follow the guidelines issued by the Center for Disease Control of New York State and New York City. While proof of vaccination is no longer necessary, we are following the rules of each venue. We will post an update as we approach the date of the concert.

Angelica members are all vaccinated and have received booster shots. Moreover, all members are required to have a negative COVID test the day of any performance so that we can safely perform without masks.

We reserve the right to change these protocols if necessary. We thank you for your patience and consideration.